
Elli Tsairi

Elli Tsairi Image


Elli Tsairi is a graduate of Early Childhood Care & Education (University of Brighton, UK) and a graduate of Studies in Hellenic Culture (Open University of Cyprus). She has a postgraduate degree in Hellenic Studies (European University of Cyprus).

She is teacher of English as a foreign language in Primary Education, a school librarian and a certified MIEE (Microsoft Expert Educator). As a school librarian and a teacher she strongly supports the “toward visitor centered” character of museums. On this basis, she has coοperated with museums around Greece and has created and implemented several pedagogical programmes in museums, public libraries and schools. She is a member of the Hellenic Society for Near East Studies (HSNES) and a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).


Postdoctoral Research

“The application of the philosophical theory of Phenomenology in the museum”

Research Interests