
Dr. Panagiotis Sarantides

Dr. Panagiotis Sarantides Image


Panagiotis Sarantides is a historian (Ionian University) and museologist (MA, Department of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK). He is a teacher in Secondary Education and a certified Trainer of Adult Non-Formal Education. As a trainer for the “Greek Institute of Continuing Adult Education”, he has taught in educational programs for immigrants and refugees. He also coordinates the group "Museum and Education" in the Laboratory of Museology in Ionian University. He is a member of the Artistic Committee of the Corfu Art Gallery, a member of Hellenic Adult Education Association and a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).


Phd Dissertation Title

"Museum and adult learning in Greece: A contribution to the promotion of formal, non-formal education and informal adult learning".

Research Interests